Author: admin


Letter to the Editor: A response to Matt Bowen’s column “Homosexuals deserve their rights.”


There have been many misrepresentations regarding the Arizona bill SB 1062 (which was recently vetoed by Governor Brewer). The two-page legislation consisted of minor clarifications of the state’s Religious Freedom Restoration Act, which has been on the books for 15 years and is modeled on the federal act that passed […]


Hindu community seeks apology


Hindu community, which is quite upset over an article in “The Threefold Advocate”, student newspaper of John Brown University (JBU), calling Hindu gods as “demonic” and Hinduism as “ugly religion”, is still waiting for an apology. Universities are meant for education and research and should not be in the business […]




As I walked to the cafeteria last week, I realized that I was wearing over $400 worth of clothes and accessories. You read that right: $400. I was not even wearing a coat or boots, which can be rather expensive. I was just wearing a shirt, cardigan, jeans, moccasins and […]


“Voices of Immigration” promotes justice for immigrants


“Voices of Immigration,” an event held last Monday night, attempted to begin dialogue about immigration on campus. The event focused around the viewing of documentary called “The Dream is Now” about young undocumented college students and graduates. “It is never the wrong time to push for justice,” said senior Dani […]


Missionaries in Residence to host garage sale


John Brown University has a rare ministry: the Missionaries in Residence. To maintain this unique ministry, the International Programs office has implemented a garage sale to help raise funds. The International Programs office is hopeful that this year’s fundraiser will also bring in enough funds for the missionaries in residence […]