Author: admin


Devotional to pull from alumni, students, faculty


John Brown University plans to release a devotional in the fall of 2014 consisting of contributions from various alumni, students, staff and faculty. This devotional will compile reflections, life lessons, scriptural analysis and scriptural application from people in all stages of life. “The purpose of this book is to encourage […]


Sneed brings music back


Skilled vocalist and worship leader, Darris Sneed, is bringing the gospel to the University today–the Gospel Jam Session, that is. Passionate about what he is speaking about in chapel, Sneed and the band will be staying on campus to lead a Gospel Jam Session in the TV Studio, located in […]


Jammin’ with the Jazz band


Several different scales weave through the air as the John Brown University Jazz/Ensemble warms up during a bi-weekly rehearsal. The drum sets a smooth yet punchy tempo and the rest of the instruments—saxophone, trumpet, horn, bass, piano and percussion—follow suit as they get ready to run through their set. Suddenly […]


Rethink yoga


We are cultural beings. We learn what is acceptable from those around us, and that becomes our unconscious reality. When something is said often enough it becomes true for us, regardless of its ultimate reality. My devotional this morning highlighted the fact that when the Israelites were in Egypt they […]


No to Photoshop


When I look into a fitting room mirror, I judge myself. It does not matter if I am happy or angry at what my reflection shows and whether my new clothes look good; either way, I am looking at and criticizing my body. When the stores’ advertisements show very thin, […]