Author: admin


Larger portions, please


Are You Paying For Seconds? At the expense of sounding like the fatty in the room, I want to discuss the cafeteria’s portion sizes. I, for one, am a little disappointed with the new food provider’s serving sizes. I’m not sure if you have had similar experiences to what I […]


Child murder


Imagine that you are a parent, and your child is diagnosed with a terminally ill disease which leaves him or her in constant, unbearable pain for the remainder of the child’s life. You would be devastated, and suffer along with them, wishing there was something, anything you could do to […]


Crazy hair


At 6 years old, my mother guarded me from the mirror because she turned my hair green with a new hair product she was experimenting with. I remember at age 12; my father attempted a new hairdo, which resulted in tangled frizzy hair masked by a baseball hat. Upon looking […]


Visiting professor talks Q Fever and microbiology


Daniel E. Voth, assistant professor of microbiology and imunnology at the University of Arkansas, visited John Brown University last Monday to give a seminar to students about a pathogen known as Coxiella burnetii, which causes human Q fever. Voth partnered with Joel Funk, assistant professor of biology at John Brown, […]