Author: admin


University Strategic Plan moves toward end date


The administration at John Brown University is making progress on strategic planning for the University’s next five-year plan. Strategic planning is a method of setting long-term goals. The current plan, for 2010 through 2015, had 92 goals, two-thirds of which have been completed or are seeing progress, said Robert Norwood, […]


Students struggle with campus tobacco ban: part one


[This article contains references to and quotes from two John Brown University students, identified as Ben and Jeff. Both are real University students whose names have been changed to protect their identity.] Blake Rardin smoked what he hopes is his last cigarette two months ago. While attending John Brown University […]


National singing competition comes to campus


Arkansas chapter of the National Association of Teachers of Singing competition this Friday, Saturday and Sunday. Jubilant Sykes, a Grammy award-nominated baritone, will also be perfoming on Friday night as part of the event. According to the Association’s official website, it is the largest organization of teachers of singing in […]


White still has a future


Media coverage has been swarming over Shaun White’s loss in his halfpipe competition on Tuesday. Shaun White, a two-time Olympic gold medalist, received fourth place in an attempt to gain a third consecutive gold medal in the halfpipe. Headlines read as such: “Shaun White falls to ‘I-Pod’ in Olympic snowboard […]


No cigarettes for Caremark


CVS Caremark announced the company would no longer sell cigarettes and other tobacco products in their pharmacies, beginning in October. The news quickly sparked national responses and coverage, especially in light of President Obama’s praise of the company’s new policy. While also aiming to inform the public, the majority of […]


Letter from the Editors


Dear Readers, In last week’s issue, the back page did not print as intended. In the process of converting files for print, sometimes mistakes happen, and as editors, we are at fault for not recognizing and fixing the issue. Our staff illustrators and designers work very hard to create beautiful […]


Sochi problems: Think before you laugh


People all over America are laughing at Russia right now, with its two-toilets-per-stall restrooms, broken doorknobs and poor plumbing. Let’s face it: the Winter Olympics is Russia’s big chance to demonstrate its competence and technological capabilities to the world, and the country is blowing it. Those of us using these […]


Christians: be bold


“What must I do to be saved?” As Dr. Bruce said, there are students and JBU professors who would provide so confusing of an answer (or a false, works-based answer or no answer at all) to this question that the desperate sinner would remain in darkness. “Believe in Jesus,” Dr. […]