Author: admin


Seasons change


My first year at John Brown University was difficult. I struggled in my classes and hated my job. I was lonely, and the only place I could park was annoyingly far away. This semester has been much different. Last year, I felt out of place. Classes were difficult and I […]


How do you view the rich and famous? Kardashians shape success


Go to any store that sells gossip magazines. Flip through the channels of your television. Visit a website with entertainment news. Anywhere you look, the nauseating headlines following the Kardashian family are there to greet you. Though the beginning of America’s love affair with the ultra-rich TV personality family is […]


Give immigrants their rights


The issues of 19th century slavery and 21st century undocumented immigrants are hauntingly similar. Abraham Lincoln’s speeches and letters have changed the way I approach immigration reform. Although Lincoln addressed social arguments, he approached emancipation of slaves mainly through a single overriding value: universal liberty. Lincoln believed that the Declaration […]


How do you view the rich and famous? They waste our time and need our prayers


Drama ensues in the Kardashian household. Kim and Kanye are officially getting married and everyone is excited. However, other big news is happening with mom and dad–Bruce and Kris Jenner. Arguments have been had, anger has taken its toll, and they’re getting a divorce. And all I’m thinking is: when […]


Trip to Zambia shows promising future


Three professors from John Brown University traveled to Ndola, Zambia earlier this month to visit Northrise University. John Brown hopes to form an academic relationship with Northrise in the coming years. The professors were Jim Caldwell, head of the Construction Management department, Maxie Burch, Chair of the Biblical Studies Division, […]


Engineer seniors to build lunabot, 3-D printer


Autonomous robots and 3-D printers are everyday items for these senior engineering students. The engineering program is one of the largest and oldest traditional undergraduate programs that John Brown University offers, providing students opportunities to work with projects from NASA, the Institute of Affordable Transportation, National Institute for the Severely […]