Author: admin


Rugby beats Pitt State


The John Brown University Rugby club won a match on Saturday against Pitt State on their home pitch. The final score was 26-10. The JBU Campus Life page stated that the Rugby Club is dedicated to the head-heart-hand philosophy, their goal being “to combine the hard hitting game of rugby […]


Project seeks to educate on domestic violence


Two red silhouettes visited campus last week, harbingers of a campaign by the Silent Witness Project. The Silent Witness Initiative began in 1990 as an awareness campaign against domestic violence. Now organizations from all fifty states participate in programs designed to educate people about the proliferation of domestic violence resulting […]


Fighting the war for the sidewalk


With weather permitting and the new JBU bike renting service, more and more students are resorting to wheels to get around campus. Many students who walk as the main way of transportation on campus are bothered by the lack of etiquette from bikers, boarders and scooters. Rebekah Hedges, sophomore communication […]


Update: college of education continues expansion


Within the past few years the department of education at John Brown University added a master’s degree program and announced a structural change, continuing to expand and move forward as the College of Education. The current semester is no exception to growth, with new changes in the College’s traditional undergraduate […]