Author: admin


Exhibit gives faculty chance to express their talents


On Sept. 3, eight John Brown University faculty members presented a collection of their artwork in a Visual Arts Department exhibit titled “Our Heads, Our Hearts, Our Hands.” This exhibit was designed by the faculty to celebrate the JBU Visual Arts Department and to demonstrate passion and skill professors have […]


Northslope apartments offer unique resident life


Now part of the elite “suburb-dwellers” of John Brown University’s campus, Northslope Apartment residents have bid farewell to regular college dorm life. Made up of 76 females and 12 males, apartment residents can still smell the fresh paint on the walls of the recently constructed residence halls. Each apartment is […]


Wellness sports new look


Aerobic Walking and Jogging, Tennis, Swimming and Bowling are just a few of the wellness activities offered at John Brown University each semester. This fall, however, students signed up for two classes not normally found on the course schedule, Martial Arts and Dance. Taught by Jim Blankenship, associate professor of […]


Faculty go abroad for the summer


Each summer, students leave the John Brown University campus and fan out across the world to pursue jobs, internships, summer classes, vacations and adventures galore. When they return, exciting news of these summer adventures wafts across campus like a refreshing breeze of excitement and opportunity. But, have they ever wondered […]


Seniors leave a winning legacy


Three senior players from the men’s basketball team, Abel Galliguez, Coleson Rakestraw and E.J. McWoods, will be leaving the team upon graduation this May. The seniors will complete the spring semester without stepping foot on the court again at John Brown University. Abel Galliguez Galliguez said now that he is […]


Ruble invests fifty years


In 1964 the Beatles came to America, the Vietnam War escalated, a law passed abolishing racial segregation in the U.S. and the movie Mary Poppins premiered. In that same year, Richard Lee Ruble started teaching at John Brown University. Nearly 50 years later, Ruble is still teaching for the University. […]


Letter to the Editor: Clarity on JBU’s policy


College is the best time for asking difficult questions. JBU is committed to honoring, supporting and working with any and all students as they seek clarity about their identity and God’s calling on their lives. JBU’s position, posture and expectation in regards to human sexuality and sexual behavior, including same-sex […]